Minggu, 13 Januari 2019


Getting further.
Just like yesterday i laughed.
Afraid of your horror story.
Hit your shoulder, because you are sucks.
Smile when we're take some selfie.
The greater this feeling,
just like yours, for her.
Am i right?
Partner, friend, my clown, brother.
Hope you succeed with her.

Jumat, 11 Januari 2019


Sitting, with silence.
Accompanied by two cups of coffee and lullaby.
Your eyes still watching me, intensely.
Then, you said sorry.
Collapse, tears fell down this cheek.
I can't, i told him, already.
He close his eyes, hold my hands tightly,
then said sorry, again.
The song change, become sad song.
Evil universe.
Why should 'meet' if can't 'unite'?